On Jan 30 and Feb 1, Paul Lombardi and Erik McCallum, lead by Craig Mayo, ventured out for the 3 state event. On Friday we rode across NH to the Maine state line and on to Rangley Lake. Along the way, we stopped at Tin Camp to feed the relatively tame Canadian jays! They would come right to your out- stretched hand and take whatever was offered! No wonder they were friendly! We continued on across the border,stopping at Lake Parmachenee, discovering a small fishing camp that was used by President Eisenhower . Now this was really "off the grid"! We had lunch in Oquossoc, a village on the west end of Rangley Lake. A quick ride across the lake to Rangley and back, then on back to Craig's "camp" in West Stewartstown, for a total of 170 miles! We were joined by Erik's cousin Todd and his son Mike Friday nite. We rode pretty much the same ride, but only going as far east as Lake Parmachenee.After playing in the fresh powder on the lake, we rode back some and headed south to Bosebeck Camp for lunch. That place was packed with sleds and riders! We ran into many other riders on the trails back, including NH's finest giving some people instructions on how to behave on the trail! We ended up doing a little over 100 miles on this ride! Fun was had by all! This reciprocity weekend deal is something everyone should put on their list! As long as you follow the other states' rules and regulations when riding there,you should no problem having a good time exploring places you normally wouldn't go!